Finally! How to lead your team through a business change - without worrying if you've go it right
As people leaders we have some experience in leading change, but its not normally our core skillset … and being realists we know that business change isn't easy, it takes time, effort, and often a lot of money, plus sometimes our job may be on the line.
During a business change the worrying questions that often run through our mind are...
*how will I get the team on board?
*how can I overcome the resistance?
*how can I help my team transition?
*how do I still do my own job?
*hello sleepless nights, stress, and
*hello the imposter syndrome!
As business leaders, all we want is for us and our teams to be successful. But sometimes change just doesn't land well, and as a result - we fail...
*productivity decreases
*service levels drop
*costs go up
*our team end up stress-out,
*managers start asking questions, and
*our reputation takes a hit
As hardworking business people - none of these things sit well with us.
FACT: Business change is often delivered by teams impacted by the change …so you need them onboard so you get your best shot at success.
Which is why we created Women Leading Business Change
During a business change the worrying questions that often run through our mind are...
*how will I get the team on board?
*how can I overcome the resistance?
*how can I help my team transition?
*how do I still do my own job?
*hello sleepless nights, stress, and
*hello the imposter syndrome!
As business leaders, all we want is for us and our teams to be successful. But sometimes change just doesn't land well, and as a result - we fail...
*productivity decreases
*service levels drop
*costs go up
*our team end up stress-out,
*managers start asking questions, and
*our reputation takes a hit
As hardworking business people - none of these things sit well with us.
FACT: Business change is often delivered by teams impacted by the change …so you need them onboard so you get your best shot at success.
Which is why we created Women Leading Business Change
Hi I’m Mary one of the creators of EMBED Change and I was probably in a similar place to you about 10 years ago. I was tired of the stress confusion and worry that came with business change. I knew something needed to change – and that something was me.
I made a decision to get qualified as a Professional Business Change Manager and that qualification, plus my experience as a people leader (probably much like yours) makes all the difference to how I lead and deliver business change today.
Once I knew what to do, I realised how much easier it was to deliver change more effectively. So with the help of Tony and Terry who also work in programme, change and operational service delivery, we created a practical and implementation focused resource to help business women who are leading business change be more successful.
FACT: Business change is often delivered by teams impacted by the change …so you need them onboard so you get your best shot at success.
Which is why we developed a special version of our EMBED Change Toolkit - for Women Leading Business Change just like you.
The EMBED Change Toolkit is a HOW TO toolkit.
It focuses on the people elements of your business change making it easier for you to lead your team through a change.
Change is easier because you know what to do when, which builds confidence and reduces stress
1. How to Manage Team Resistance - to overcome team resistance to change
2. Communication and Engagement guides - to help you create focused communication
3. Develop your Case for Change - your elevator pitch on one page
4. Effectively plan your Transition - a smooth transition is so important
5. Go-live Readiness Checks - so you know you are ready to GO
6. Stakeholder Influence and Impact - Who is important to enabling your change
7. Impact Analysis - What's changing so you know where to focus
8. Change Management Plan guide - so you can capture all your work in one place- easy
Do you think its a good idea to invest in a new skillset, and grow your confidence to lead change with less stress
If you want to get the best possible outcomes for you your team and your business , deliver results on time and on budget , or even if you just want to successful reputation , then this is the most important FOR YOU.
Here's why...
In todays competitive employment market having the capability to lead and deliver business change is a vital skillset that employers seek, team members respect and employees love!
Global studies by international consulting firms like McKinsey KPMG (see free resources) note that up to 70% of business transformations fail to reach their potential - frightening isn't it! However those that did often noted the capability to lead change well as one of the reasons for success.
I am an experienced business change manager and have lead teams of 400 staff through change - so I know it's not easy.
However if your have a process and the will to lead your team through change well - you can do it
- you have the will
- we have the process
with both you will be more successful
Failing to deliver change well doesn't sit well with us - so you need to get a solid process to use
Remember those statistics from McKinsey and KPMG - 70% plus of transformation fails to reach potential - leadership was a big issue and a change skillset was seen as a real positive. Why because they lack the knowledge to complete the transaction)
In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get...
* You will be supported and enabled to lead change with more confidence
* you will know what to do when
* ou'll skip past all the mistakes and obstacles that stop MOST for sale by owners and go right to the end of the process)
* u'll know exactly how to negotiate a contract - even with a nervous buyer - and who to get help from if you have questions)
* You'll have a TON more money in your pocket when you save the 6% commission others have to pay an agent)
: The Numbers Don't Lie!)
you can get an offer in the first 30 days, your changes of selling your house yourself go through the ROOF!)
* When you sell your house, think about how good you'll feel about yourself when you successfully sell WITHOUT an agent!)
* When you get it sold yourself, think about all the extra money you'll have left over to put down on your next house)
* e yourself bragging to your friends at parties or on Facebook about how you sold without an agent!)
* Any additional bullets?
So Here's The Bottom Line With Women Leading Business Change powered by EMBED Change
You get the downloadable ebook that will walk you step-by-step through the entire process from start to finish. You get all the insiders-only instruction on how to assemble a team of professionals to help you get to closing fast. You get the exact blueprint you need to succeed!)
You get all of this for only RRP $1500 WLBC Price $297...
But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...
Take A Full asdfadsf To Put Us To The Test With Our Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee
If "Women Leading Business Change powered by EMBED Change" doesn't show me exactly how to so you get the best possible outcomes for you your team and your business ... if it doesn't take me by the hand, step-by-step deliver results on time and on budget ... or if it fails to help me successful reputation , then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!
As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders, so....
Here's How To Order Right Now
So go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!
Here's why...
In todays competitive employment market having the capability to lead and deliver business change is a vital skillset that employers seek, team members respect and employees love!
Global studies by international consulting firms like McKinsey KPMG (see free resources) note that up to 70% of business transformations fail to reach their potential - frightening isn't it! However those that did often noted the capability to lead change well as one of the reasons for success.
I am an experienced business change manager and have lead teams of 400 staff through change - so I know it's not easy.
However if your have a process and the will to lead your team through change well - you can do it
- you have the will
- we have the process
with both you will be more successful
Failing to deliver change well doesn't sit well with us - so you need to get a solid process to use
Remember those statistics from McKinsey and KPMG - 70% plus of transformation fails to reach potential - leadership was a big issue and a change skillset was seen as a real positive. Why because they lack the knowledge to complete the transaction)
In Fact, Here's Just The Tip of The Iceberg of What You Get...
* You will be supported and enabled to lead change with more confidence
* you will know what to do when
* ou'll skip past all the mistakes and obstacles that stop MOST for sale by owners and go right to the end of the process)
* u'll know exactly how to negotiate a contract - even with a nervous buyer - and who to get help from if you have questions)
* You'll have a TON more money in your pocket when you save the 6% commission others have to pay an agent)
: The Numbers Don't Lie!)
you can get an offer in the first 30 days, your changes of selling your house yourself go through the ROOF!)
* When you sell your house, think about how good you'll feel about yourself when you successfully sell WITHOUT an agent!)
* When you get it sold yourself, think about all the extra money you'll have left over to put down on your next house)
* e yourself bragging to your friends at parties or on Facebook about how you sold without an agent!)
* Any additional bullets?
So Here's The Bottom Line With Women Leading Business Change powered by EMBED Change
You get the downloadable ebook that will walk you step-by-step through the entire process from start to finish. You get all the insiders-only instruction on how to assemble a team of professionals to help you get to closing fast. You get the exact blueprint you need to succeed!)
You get all of this for only RRP $1500 WLBC Price $297...
But Let Me Sweeten The Pot For You Even More With These Instant Bonuses For Acting Now...
Take A Full asdfadsf To Put Us To The Test With Our Iron-Clad, Money-Back Guarantee
If "Women Leading Business Change powered by EMBED Change" doesn't show me exactly how to so you get the best possible outcomes for you your team and your business ... if it doesn't take me by the hand, step-by-step deliver results on time and on budget ... or if it fails to help me successful reputation , then I understand that I will receive a full refund, No Questions Asked!!
As you can see all the risk is squarely on my shoulders, so....
Here's How To Order Right Now
So go ahead and click the order link now and you'll be on your way to enjoying all the benefits we've talked about here and more! Let's get started right now!
EMBED Change Team - Tony Mary and Terry - doing the work we talk about here everyday - so we know this works!
Tony is based in Australia Experience: Financial FMCG IT Mary is based in New Zealand Experience: Government Aviation Transport FMCG Consumer Terry is based in the United Kingdom/Europe Experience: Telecommunication IT Aviation Tourism |